Friday, February 18, 2011

well hello there....

Well this seems a little awkward,talking to no one...but I am going with it. It seems like most the people I know have a blog, a place they go to let out their thoughts and feelings.I have had this account for quite sometime but I have never felt like my thoughts were all that "reading worthy" but my life is headed for some big changes soon, so maybe it will be interesting. 

"I am about to graduate from college...I can't believe this is happening, I am not a grown-up! I am not ready to have a "real job!" I am not ready!!" This minor "freak out" goes through my mind at least once a day. I still feel as if I only graduated yesterday from High School and now I am about to be thrust into the world of 9 to 5 jobs, business lunches, and who knows what else! It scares me, because how do you know if you are truly ready? How do you know that once the floaties are off you won't do I know I am ready? Is it a feeling or are you just supposed to jump and hope you don't fall flat on your face? How do you know when you are ready to take on the world? How do you know you won't be a total loser in do you know what lies ahead? How do you know if you will be able to triumph over the obstacles that lie ahead? 

      I guess the real question is...does anyone ever know? 

I suppose not, because then what fun would life be? If you always knew how things would turn out you would never truly enjoy the real meaning of life. But how do you keep from having an oscar worthy melt down every time your life is about to change? 

     It's hard...but no one ever said life would be easy....

I guess the best way is to lean on what is around you. Like family, friends, that one person who makes your heart melt, but most of all GodI have a confession, my relationship with God in the past has not been what I would really hope for. In the past years I tried to lean on anything but him and I soon realized he is the foundation for everything else to stand on. Without him everything will crumble to the ground. And until recently everything had been crumbling...falling into pieces..even though no one really seemed to notice, I did. I knew I was not where I wanted to be, I knew I need him and knew all I needed to do was say how much I needed him and I would start to be ok....but here is a secret...I am stubborn. Yes I know if you know me that is no secret..but it's true I am stubborn and did not want to ask for help. But time and time again after many failed attempts to give in and ask for help, to give up control...I finally succeeded, in step one...acknowledging I need God more then anything else in this world.

Now I am not saying I am completely free of being stubborn, or that I have let go of trying to control my future, and learned how to stop all melt downs in their tracks...but I am heading in the right direction. I am on my way to letting go, and letting God take complete control. So I may not know what lies ahead of me in the next steps of my life...but I do know I will never be alone and I will not be led astray. 
                So get ready, get set...and let God! 

2 Corinthians 5:9 "We live by FAITH, not by sight."

1 comment:

  1. Nope. No one knows. Some folks think that they do. They believe that they have it all figured out...everything planned. But I know better than anyone, that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

    Some of the most successful men and women of our history were those who made a leap, who jumped with no float, who dared to dream when everyone else promised failure.

    One of my favorite quotes:

    “Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
    –Walt Disney

    Keep moving forward, Loren. Don't settle. Let your heart lead you down paths of discovery. Explore, create, and enjoy. We get ONE shot at life. Don't live in fear of screwing it up. Don't fear failure. Fear inaction. Some of your biggest failures will be your happiest memories and greatest accomplishments.
